The kindest greetings from the North Shore Center to all returning Showcase Artists and a warm welcome to any new artists that are joining us for the first time! Below you will find information regarding Showcase Artist performance and exhibition registration. If you are a parent, teacher or librarian, click here to learn more about attending Showcase. Our Showcase staff is dedicated to making your registration process easy. Don’t hesitate to contact us directly if you have any questions or need assistance with your registration.
There are two steps to complete your Artist Registration.
After completely and carefully reviewing the artist registration information below, please click the button here or at the bottom of this page to proceed to the online Artist Registration portal. After paying for your registration in Step 1, you come back to complete your Artist Information in Step 2.
The North Shore Center’s Showcase is an annual trade show for educators and program directors from schools, libraries and park districts. Showcase also attracts you: educational artists, performers, speakers and other educational enrichment programs. Through this event, it is our goal to provide an opportunity not only for you to present your talents to potential audiences, but also for attendees to observe the wide array of talents available for their next event. Showcase proudly attracts hundreds of arts programmers, educators and event planners looking to augment their tight arts budgets and meet curriculum requirements by booking you or your performing organization. As Showcase Attendees sit comfortably in our theatre house, our expert technical staff will “showcase” your presentation in the best light in one of over 25 LIVE performances on the state-of-the-art Center Theatre stage. Showcase is helping to keep the arts alive in our schools and neighborhoods! **New this year, the North Shore Center will offer 3 Artists-in-Action Classroom Demonstration opportunities.
- Booths are assigned at the discretion of the North Shore Center staff. Special consideration will be given to early applicants; however, North Shore Center reserves the right to assign booth placement as necessary to separate like disciplines.
- Deadline for Artist Registration is Wednesday, July 29th, 2015
- Artists are allowed to choose up to four (4) preferred booth locations to occupy at Showcase. If your first booth choice is unavailable or is next to an artist with a similar discipline, you will be given your next available choice. If all four (4) choices are either unavailable or near an artist with a similar discipline, Showcase staff will put you as close to your first choice as possible. Maps of the Exhibit Hall booth set-ups are located here. The benefit of choosing your booth location is available only to artists who register by Monday, June 22nd, 2015.
- All artists will be given FREE Wi-Fi access.
- All artists will be required to agree to our artist guidelines and waiver during the registration process.
PERFORMANCE INFORMATION: All 2015 Showcase performance slots have all been filled! Check back soon for the performance schedule!
- All registered artists will have the opportunity to apply for a performance slot.
- Performance slots will be determined by the Showcase staff based on the following criteria:
- When the artist registered for Showcase
- When the artist last performed at Showcase (priority will be given first to qualified artists who have not performed before. If spots remain, they will be awarded by lottery)
- All performance slots are SIX MINUTES long. There will be 1-2 minutes between performances to set up/tear down.
- All artists who wish to perform at Showcase and HAVE NOT performed or auditioned in the past year MUST submit an example of their act or performance. You may provide an online link to your performance clips (i.e. your website, Youtube, Vimeo, etc.) or with a provided DVD. This is needed to determine if Showcase can accommodate your performance. Please send DVD to:
ATTN: Showcase
North Shore Center for the Performing Arts in Skokie
9501 Skokie Blvd.
Skokie, IL 60077 - Once your registration is received, we will contact you to discuss your performance slot.
- Once a performance opportunity is approved, a $250 technical fee is due to confirm your slot.
- Deadline to register for a potential performance slot: Monday, June 8th, 2015. If chosen, deadline for payment will be Wednesday, July 29, 2015.
**NEW**Artist-in-Action Classroom Demonstration: All 2015 Artist-In-Action Classroom Demonstration slots have been filled! Check back soon for workshop descriptions!
These intimate opportunities give parents, teachers and librarians a chance to work with performing and teaching artists in a classroom setting. In these sessions of up to 15 attendees, artists will perform, lead brief workshops, and/or tell anecdotal stories that will help educators get to know the artist who will be working with their students. Attendees will be encouraged to pre-register for these workshops.
To request an Artist-in-Action slot, you will need to submit a performance video, lesson plans, or performance pictures. The North Shore Center will select up to 7 artists to fill these classroom demonstration slots. Artists who performed at Showcase 2014 will be eligible for Artist-in-Action performance slots. You cannot perform at Showcase and conduct an Artist-in-Action demonstration in the same year.
Length: up to 25 minutes
Attendance Size: up to 15 attendees.
(3 slots) – 2:35pm – 3:00pm
Based on Artist & Attendee comments we have altered the schedule of the day to better support exhibition hall circulation, showcase performance attendance, and to accommodate the need for some Attendees to leave earlier. Please look over the below schedule and let us know if you have any questions.
Tuesday, Aug 25 – ARTIST LOAD IN
1:00 – 5:00 – Artists Exhibition Hall Set-up
4:00 – 6:00 – Artist Social Hour
Wednesday, Aug 26 – SHOWCASE*
8:15 – 3:00pm Exhibition Hall Open
8:15 – 9:20 – Breakfast
9:20 -11:00 – Showcase Performances
11:00 – 11:30 – Break
11:30 – 1:00 – Showcase Performances
1:00 – 2:30 – Exhibition Hall / Lunch
2:30 – Performance Raffle
2:35 – 3:00 – Artists-in-Action Classroom Demonstrations
3:00 – Workshop Raffle (Available to Artist-In-Action attendees only)
*This schedule is subject to change.
$265 | Single Booth (includes one Showcase Resource Guide listing) |
$520 | Double Booth (includes one Showcase Resource Guide listing) |
$50 | Booth Electricity |
$150 | Additional Resource Guide Listing |
$10 | Additional Lunch |
$20 | Additional Resource Guide |
$250 | Performance Technical Fee (For Showcase performers only) |
$150 | Artist-in-Action Classroom Demonstration (For Artist-in-Action participants only) |
Monday, June 8, 2015 | Deadline for Artist Registration to qualify for performance |
Monday, June 22, 2015 | Deadline for “Booth Preference” Benefit |
Wednesday, July 29, 2015 | Deadline for Artist Registration & Resource Guide Listing Information |
Wednesday, July 29, 2015 | Deadline for Performance Technical Fee if chosen to perform / Artist-in-Action Fee |
Tuesday, August 25, 2015: 1pm-5pm |
Artist Booth Setup Day |
Wednesday, August 26, 2015: 8:15am-3:00pm |
Showcase |
Showcase attracts hundreds of arts programmers, educators, and event planners from the region. The Showcase Resource Guide is the event guide that contains your Artist Listing included with registration, the performance schedule and all of your artist contact information. The Resource Guide continues to be used as a resource for Attendees throughout the entire year. By placing an additional advertisement in our Resource Guide, your show and/or product is further featured to this exclusive group of people. One Showcase Resource Guide is provided with each artist registration. There is a $20 fee for each additional Showcase Resource Guide.
Your Resource Guide Artist Listing is included with your registration. An additional ad placed in the guide is purchased in Registration Step 1. After advertising purchase, our Showcase Manager will be in contact to collect your artwork and coordinate your ad placement. For premiere position ad placement options, please inquire with the Showcase Manager for availability.
- All artwork for advertisements is due on Monday, July 29, 2015.
- Please send your artwork in Adobe PDF format. You can submit your artwork by email or direct mail. If emailing, please send your artwork in PDF format to If sending by direct mail, please copy file to a CD and send the CD to:
ATTN: Showcase
North Shore Center for the Performing Arts in Skokie
9501 Skokie Blvd.
Skokie, IL 60077
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Showcase Manager at (847) 679-9501 x 3100 or email at
$200 | Half Page, Black & White (8 inches wide by 5 inches high) |
$275 | Half Page, Color (8 inches wide by 5 inches high) |
$350 | Full Page, Black & White (8 inches wide by 10 inches high) |
$425 | Full Page, Color (8 inches wide by 10 inches high) |
$600 | Preferred Position Outside Back Cover, Color (8.5 inches wide by 10.5 inches high) |
$550 | Preferred Position Inside Front Cover, Color (8.5 inches wide by 10.5 inches high) |
$550 | Preferred Position Inside Back Cover, Color (8.5 inches wide by 10.5 inches high) |
$265 | Resource Guide Listing Only (If not attending Showcase) |
Preferred Advertising placements based on availability. Contact Showcase Manager directly via email for current availability.
For Showcase 2015, there are two steps to complete your Artist Registration.
After completely and carefully reviewing the artist registration information above, please click the Step 1 button to proceed to the online Artist Registration portal. After paying for your registration, you come back to complete your Artist Information in Step 2.